
Kassi Martin

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman

My Resewed Heart - an exploration of Intuitive Art

hi there, How are you? I hope all is well in your corner of the World. I have another exploration of art to share with you.  This painting was created by La Tana who is Italian with superb English language.  I speak...
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Accepting Change Can Sometimes Be An Act of Great Courage

Hi there How are you doing? I feel Really excited to share another Exploration of Intuitive Art with you!  A beautiful process of exploring our inner landscape through intuitive art.  All images shared here are ...
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Humans Have So Much In Common With Snowflakes

Hi there How are you doing? It's snowing! I woke up very early this morning when my Beloved popped a piping hot water bottle at my feet. Ahhhh what lovely gifts he brings me, thoughtful man. Then he whispered  'The Snow ...
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How To Explore... She Flies Like A Bird

hi thereHow are you doing?  I feel Really excited to be sharing an actual Exploration of an Intuitive Painting with You. It's such a beautiful, satisfying, meaningful 'chat' between somebody who has created a painting an...
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Grief is Love With No Place To Go...

​hi there How are you doing?  How is everything in your world? Stepping Over Elephants I've been stepping over that 'Elephant in the Room' again, for quite some time...  I had intended coming back much sooner and sh...
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Inspiration Is All Around

hi there, How are you?  Thank you so much for your loving messages, I appreciate every one of you.   Here I am, almost at the end of another Year.  I have lots to share with you, some of which I am not qui...
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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

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T: 07876 222 790
