Kassi Martin
How Being A Rule Breaker Makes Your Confidence Soar
hi there How are you doing today? I thought I would share a little with you about how creating through my Expressive Art Approach will help you raise your Confidence, Reduce your Anxiety & Stress level...
Just Trust & Do What You Most Love...
Hi there How are you doing? It's a very sunny day here and my menopausal Self prefers the shade. Just cool, but bright. Today we got up, did all the usual "beginning of a new day" stuff and after breakfast I gazed at our litt...
How Art is a Mindful, Stress Reduction Process
Hi there How are you doing today? It's a beautiful day here. Did you ever have those days at school where you were allowed to use glue, scissors, glitter, old greetings cards to make art?No one breathing down your neck....
Star The Adventurer
hi there How are you? The Sun is glistening all around today. Our garden is bursting with shoots and we have a beautiful new Magpie visiting each day. Have you ever seen the incredible colours in their Feath...
Hi there How are you today? I've had a tough couple of days. I very ungracefully, skidded in leaking water. It wasn't how I planned my day to go for sure. I was pottering around, a little hoovering and tidyin...
Flawsome-ness for Confidence & Reduced Anxiety
Hi there How are you today? It's a beautiful, bright sunshiny day full of daffodil faces smiling up at the sun. Many of you who read my blog have been surprised it isn't all about Art or Ar...