
Kassi Martin's Blog

Transforming Lives through Self Expression

Brand New Paint The Tree of YOUR Life - online adventure

Original Art Alex Baobab Paint The Tree of YOUR Life - Alex Baobab

Hi there,

How are you? It's just the most beautiful day here today. Mild and Sunny yet icy all at the same time. Isn't Nature amazing.

I'm just back from a much needed break by the Sea up in the East Neuk in Scotland. It was wet, wild, windy, sunny, cold, huge waves, lots of delicious coffee, a Very Berry Cheesecake treat, walking, cuddling, sleeping, hand holding, reminiscing and a few tears... so varied and restful.

Our beautiful boy Sapphi was missing and this broke our hearts. We couldn't bring ourselves to visit our usual place, we just could not go there... the memories are too painful still, a year on. We have been tentatively talking about new animals but then we cry again so we will leave that alone for now.

What I've Been Up To Lately
I've been busy creating a brand new version - the third version - of my Paint The Tree of YOUR Life course. I am very proud of it and can't believe how long this course has been going. It's about 10 years old now! I remember taking all my art materials to different village halls and various places to run as a one day workshop. Then it became a four week course in my studio and now it's available online with a year's access.

Most who undertake my course create up to three amazing Tree of Life paintings - some more! Each one is so unique and brings with it lots of new personal growth.

I thought I would share with you here in case you wish to gift yourself a soulful and meaningful Christmas present.

Here is some info about my Unique, Inspirational, Life Changing
online Mixed Media ecourse created for YOU to develop Your Self Awareness and experience in depth Personal Development.

"I would highly recommend this wonderful opportunity to experience Kassi's unique form of self-discovery and personal development through intuitive art ecourses. I love to work in an intuitive way and see a visual expression of my feelings. I felt I got to know and understand myself a little better through each stage of creating the tree of my life. Kassi supported my process throughout. Her warmth and curiosity enabled me to deeply explore the images and my process. This warm and non-judgemental environment has given me a sense of freedom from my more critical voices." Alex

The majority of people who work with me online or in studio have not painted since school days. They usually begin by telling me categorically that they Can't paint. They have a deeply wounding story about how a (well meaning) Teacher/authority figure insisted that they were never going to be creative and 'shouldn't' try to make art ever again. So they don't... :-((

To be given a 'Don't' message by a powerful authority figure in our impressionable years can impact us for life.

They may have been told that "Trees are brown, flowers are red or yellow and you can't give your Mum green hair".

In every single case, I would ask, 'Why Not?'

Accepting that you have a purple Giraffe living in your pink Tree will 'tell' you so much about you and your life. Trust that purple Giraffe is there for a reason. If you can't make sense of it, ask me to help you explore and we will together figure this symbol out for sure.

I believe our Art 'speaks' for - and to - us. There is a mirroring that happens naturally between our Art and Unconscious. An unspoken dialogue which has the capacity to say 'everything'. You don't need to make everything explicit.

I believe YOU and every one of us is born an Artist. Once You begin creating, I feel certain You will fall in love with your creative process and what emerges before You. You can experience an incredible connection within your self. You can learn so much about who you are and deepen your understanding of your self. What an incredible gift to give yourself.

Learn how to Trust in your Intuition as opposed to Thinking or Planning which invites our Inner Critic out to criticise & taunt us, which painfully impacts on our Stress levels, Anxiety and Mood. You will have opportunity to learn about and work effectively with your Inner Critic.

Intuitive Art leads us to a more Confident, Happier, Calmer Self Acceptance. Life pans out well when I trust my Intuition and what I paint is a true expression of my Life and Self. It isn't always a comfortable journey but I always look back and feel hugely satisfied and grateful with the outcome.

"This has been better than any personal Therapy I've ever experienced Kas, thank you."

When I created Paint The Tree of YOUR Life, I was searching for something meaningful and satisfying. I was disillusioned, overly Responsible and burnt out which I transformed into something meaningful, satisfying and fruitful for me. I created a brand new, creative life and business through my own Painting process.

Many people have painted the Tree of their Life over the years with me in groups, one to one in my studio and now, online. This means You can experience my exciting, rewarding and often life-changing course from the comfort of your own home, whenever it suits you.

When we create art intuitively, I believe we become deeply connected to our Truest Self. I believe we experience Joy & Acceptance of who we are and our creative process offers us an opportunity for greater Health & Well Being. Creating art is hugely healing on so many levels.

You may, like me, wish to work in a richly layered way, exploring with openness and curiosity in your journal. I share my own creative process through my videos in this course which then invites you to create in a similar way.

"I found this a very enjoyable and enlightening experience. I was rather anxious at the start as I had not touched any painting materials for a very long time. However, Kassi gives you all the support, advice and instruction that you need to take those first steps. There is plenty of time for reflection and Kassi is very respectful of each individual's situation, ensuring that you only share what feels comfortable. I learned a great deal from the experience and now have a picture that continues to inspire me. I would recommend this course and would say to anyone that is hesitating - jump in!" Michael (participant in online group of 12)

Having me as part of the process appears to make this an effective and rewarding experience. I witness you and if you want me to, I respond and facilitate your process. It is entirely up to you how much you would like me to be involved. You can work in a Self Paced way or you can invite me in. If you would like me to be a part of your process, you can begin with a free email to me, and I will respond fully, free of charge so you can get a sense of what I offer and who I am. There is never any pressure to 'go there' or do more, but I am here if you want me.

'Fabulous. I learnt such a lot about myself. Boosted my confidence. Made some massive life changes because of it. Changed job. Starting singing lessons. Learnt how to 'let go and say No' I found Kassi's way of being, warm nurturing and inspiring. If you're looking for answers and confidence or even just fun! Look no further. I also have a lovely tree painting which I have proudly hung on my wall. I had never painted before this Tree of Life course and never thought of myself as creative. Kassi introduced me to creative me.' Hazel

If you prefer to work alone through the process, this is equally ok and rewarding. I believe our art 'speaks' for and to us. There is a mirroring that happens naturally between art and Unconscious. An unspoken dialogue which has the capacity to say 'everything'.

Should you require CPD for your Professional Body this course, plus our conversations will all count towards your annual CPD requirement. Just keep a note of hours spent creating & reflecting. Average of 12 hours CPD.

"As always, I felt held and supported making my tree with guidance from Kas. Was able to make connection with my life as the tree evolved and discover some surprises. Having also participated in a live group with Kas I know she caters for all levels of ability and has an intuition as to how much to input. I would thoroughly recommend Kas's workshops to anyone wishing to explore their creativity and themselves. Fabulous experience and one to repeat." Chris

My Core ways of Being both as Human and Intuitive Artist are Respect, Empathy, Authenticity, Acceptance, Kindness and Compassion.

"This was an amazing experience for me. I really enjoyed the process of creating the tree with the helpful support of Kassi. As well as being lots of fun it also gave me an opportunity to learn about myself. Kassi is a warm, respectful and patient facilitator. She is available when needed but lets you get on with it too. Kassi has created a wonderful, supportive and creative environment in which to explore yourself through art. Well worth doing" Alan

Art Materials:
You will need some art materials. This doesn't have to be an expensive business. I created this particular Tree on Wallpaper lining. Hardboard is ideal to work on too. DIY stores sells large pieces for around £6.50 which they cut up for you and you can make more paintings - yay!

Acrylic paints in colours of your choice, paint brushes, a jar for water, an old rag, glue, craft papers that appeal to you, old wrapping paper that appeals to you, acrylic inks if you wish, oil pastels or pastels.

I invite you to release yourself from planning, controlling and analysing. The more I do this, my Intuition flows. I am spontaneous, playful and relaxed. I experience less stress, less anxiety and feel more satisfied, attuned and aligned to myself.

"Kassi's Paint The Tree of YOUR Life is a beautiful journey of healing and self-discovery. Through her caring and empathic curiosity, Kas provides respect and support for whatever level of sharing and 'opening up' you feel comfortable with. It's a magical process of traversing through your own inner 'forest' as your beautiful tree unfolds the treasures that await your heart. I would encourage you to consider her class. Kassi's gift as an Artist and Therapist and the loving, private classmate-shared experience touched me deeply." Lesa

"I took Kas's online Tree of Life course on the recommendation of a friend, I'm so glad I did! I haven't done any painting for over 30 years, not since I was at school and my biggest concern was making mistakes and messing it all up. One of the things that the course taught me was that 'mistakes' are oftentimes precursors to something very special. A great metaphor for life! Kas is kind, generous, hugely compassionate and insightful. The course is fun, occasionally challenging (in a good way) and enlightening. I hope to be painting for many years to come. Highly recommended." Kim

Feedback about Kassi:

Intuitive, Reflective, Empathic, Genuine, Caring, Truthful, Unique, One of A Kind, Big Hearted, Motivating, Encouraging, Calming, Inspirational, Humble, Natural Ability To Put Others At Ease, Kind, Understanding, Wise, Comforting, Helpful, Loving, Patient, Colourful, Empowering, Insightful, Warm, Nurturing, Supportive, Compassionate, Thoughtful, Generous



Intuitive Art for Health & Well Being
Wilful No-ness - The Adventurer


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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

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T: 07876 222 790
