
Kassi Martin's Blog

Transforming Lives through Self Expression

Artistic Expression 'Acts Out' Our Emotions ...but!!!

Goddess Expression Unblock Your Feminine Fire


Top Coaching Tips to Unblock Your Feminine Fire

What is different about my work and that of other Artists?

I'm not interested in making 'pretty art' nor do I want to teach you how to do this either.  There are a million artists out there happy to teach this.  I'm a Therapist.  A Coach.  I'm deeply interested in Mental Health and Living Our Best Lives, Authentically.  I'm Ambitious and Driven and LOVE to help Woman who aspire to undergo profound Transformation. 

I am sure you have BIG DREAMS!  MASSIVE DREAMS!!!  I am sure you know deep inside of you just how capable and how much potential you have inside of you... but something blocks you from getting all of that 'out there' into the world.  You may want something HUGE that feels just out of your reach...  and I can help you achieve all of this.

I Am Very Different!

How you might ask?

In 2008, I began creating a potent, powerful System combining Coaching, Psychotherapy and Expressive Arts in one incredible mix.  I've been continually developing this System ever since, working through my own struggles and issues and accompanying many, many other humans in their struggles.  

What Were We All Trying To Achieve?

Autonomy, Authenticity, Empowerment, Freedom from Childhood Conditioning so we could truly be our Selves and do the work we were born to do. 

That 'work' could take the form of Writing, making Art, Public Speaking, Teaching, Leading an Organisation, being a CEO, Life or Business Coach, or discovering what your Gifts are - because not everyone knows at the outset.  

They - like you - simply 'Know' and 'Sense' they are here to do 'MORE'...

Gabor Mate said:  "Artistic Expression is only a way of 'acting out' one's emotions and NOT working them through..."

What I offer, is Different!

Yes, we may make raw and gritty art journaling to express ourselves... However, I teach you HOW to express yourself Therapeutically AND there is always the opportunity to Work It Through with me. 

This is where the wonderful, exciting Change takes place. 

I am a Therapist with 25+ years experience in Adult Mental Health.  

When you work with me, we don't make 'pretty art', we make art that helps us HEAL, Very Deeply, and make incredible change.

I am not interested in making pretty or beautiful art... I am not interested in Art Theory - I break rules.  It is where we become autonomous and unleashed and find ourselves!

I AM Very interested in enabling you to develop self awareness and put a wonderful new show on the road that enhances your Life!

This is what Goddess Unleashed is all about... 

Unblocking You so you Become truly YOU.  It's all there inside of you but it is bogged down with a lifetime of conditional love.  

I'm a potent Transformative Coach unblocking women who want So Much MORE! 

Leaders, Coaches, Writers, Artists, Therapists and those who aspire to undergo profound Transformation.

We can do this one to one, in person, online or via Goddess Unleashed Transformative Program.

You are probably just like me! 

Wobbly yet Brave, Fiercely Loving but not a pushover, Ambitious and Driven but can get lost or confused and need another to light the way at times... 

I INTEND TO LIGHT THE WAY FOR YOU - using ALL my Therapeutic, Coaching and Creative Skills.  You need to experience me, to discover just what is possible - and Everything you want, is possible.  The first month is completely FREE, you can leave any time you want, it's at an incredible price but worth a small fortune and YOU can have All of This right now! 

Life is too short to waste any more time. 

Put your Big Boots on and let's get started:

Can't wait to work with you!


Kas <3 

Below is a brief clip from Real Woman: Real Conversations.  I have many video clips from Goddess Unleashed and my Coaching work @kasmartincoaching on You Tube

I Followed The Rules, Why Am I Still Unhappy?
Forgive & Forget? (not fcking likely!)

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Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

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T: 07876 222 790
