Kassi Martin
Stop Being Grateful For Crumbs!
My work is NOT for those content with crumbs.
I work with those who want to be Every-Fucking-Thing they CAN be.
The untamed, unapologetic, unstoppable, fearless Self you know you are deep down.
You feel your fire but shrink it to something more manageable for everyone around you.
YOU Are Who I Work With
The ones who have been told they're too much… Too ambitious… emotional… potent...
Those who have learned to tuck Parts of themselves away - whether it's their opinions, their sensuality, creativity, brilliance, capacity and potency ...or those whose Love takes up space and they're made to believe they 'should' apologise for it.
I'm here to tell you …those Parts you've hidden???
They're the best Parts of you!
...And it's time to bring them ALL out.
Our work isn't about modest goals or half-hearted dreams. It's not about being polite, apologetic, or being positive either.
Hell No!
It's about waking up the goddess, the rebel, the artist, the lover, the creator... that Part of you that everyone told you to tone down.
But, guess what? You don't have to choose between the different Parts of yourself.
With Me, You Get To Be EVERYTHING You Are
The raw, beautiful, fierce, soft, wildly sensual and unstoppable power you are. The raging, joyful, paradox of being a woman who doesn't fit neatly into Anyone's 'boxes'.
You're probably raring to break free and be unleashed. Can you feel that restlessness, knowing that there's so much more inside of you…?
YES... Even if you feel terrified…!!!
Please Stop Wasting Your Life!
I appreciate I appear to be Scary… I can be… in a wonderfully loving, exciting and encouraging you to be every-fucking-thing you want to be - kind of way.
It's just... I have the capacity to offer a spaciousness that goes far beyond what anyone else has been able to offer you. Where others make you small and try to limit you... I blow the space wide open giving you room to expand and spill over the edges!
I'll NEVER make you small or expect you to 'fit in'.
Simply put…
When you come into my Orbit, Change IS Inevitable
I don't even have to DO anything except be Myself and transformation sparks instantly.
I've had to come to terms with my Gifts
For years - DECADES - many, including my inner critic, colleagues, family and friends... tried to tear me down and make me small...
Even though those I worked with grew and grew...and changed beyond anything they believed possible.
It was painful… I really believed I was "bad" and "dangerous".
So, I reached out to a wonderful, potent Business Consultant in an attempt to "Stop Being Too Much" for everyone around me and he stopped me in my tracks!
After our huge conversation together, he said:
“Kas... you're Full Metal Jacket!"
It’s true, I Go All In... hold nothing back... I'm unstoppable and resilient... and I offer commitment, depth and transformative experiences to those I work with... and I had to admit it was all true...
I shed a lot of tears that day.
Well, yes... we tend to cry when someone hits the nail on the head and speaks our truth.
I learnt that being told I was "Too Much" and "Too Big For My Boots" and "Dangerous" was a way of tearing me down to something more manageable because they couldn't meet me where I was.
I had simply met their limitations...
Given YOU are here and reading this...
I imagine YOU also have had these kind of 'limiting' experiences too?
Our Paths Were Clearly Meant To Cross
I finally came to terms with who I am and what it is I bring to the lives of others… I now accept that I Work With Those Who Have MASSIVE Dreams and Want To Be Every-Fcking-Thing THEY Can Be too.
Like Me...
So, if YOU are thinking of working with me, it's likely YOU have also been told You're Too Much… that you Want Too Much… Told You're Way Too Big For Your Boots... Am I Right???
They've tried hard to put you - and your beautiful, massive, wild, exciting Dreams down and make you small.
They will go to Incredible lengths to dilute you down - take it from me - and NO!!! You are NOT crazy or nuts either - that's part of their strategy to reduce you!
So... I have something very important to say to you:
Please take a big breath and sit up straight while I sock this to you…
There's Nothing Wrong With You….!
You're Incredible… You Have Immense Potential and Capacity… You are NOT Too Much or Too Big For Your Boots or any other 'TOO' messages that they have spun to make you believe otherwise.
You just need someone with equally big boots to help support you in your MASSIVE Dreams...
Which is where I come in...
I'm Kas Martin, a Transformative Coach and Raw & Gritty Artist who Unblocks and Unleashes Women Who Want Every-fucking-Thing They Can Be.
When you come into my Orbit, Change IS Inevitable.
We can work together in lots of ways: in person, online, one-to-one, in groups.
If you have MASSIVE Dreams that get blocked or stuck, or you are easily distracted or minimised, reach out to me immediately and let's do this together - NOW! Please... stop wasting your one, precious life.