Kassi Martin
How To Heal Your Worried Heart
I have VERY exciting News and cannot wait to share this with you.
Let Yourself Be Loved (click the link)
...is my loving, creative and healing space... it's a soft place to land ...and feel Loved and LESS Anxious!
All you have ever needed in Life... to keep anxiety and stress at bay... Was To Be Loved!
You may be thinking: "But I AM loved Kas!"
And I am so glad to hear you feel Loved... This is SO important!
I'd also like to remind you that you Don't deserve ANY of the following anxiety provoking ways...!
...Told that: "You're Not Good Enough"
...Worse still, told that "You're Too Much!"
...And (brace yourself) "You could do better!"
These may be said in different ways, such as:
"WHAT ...Are ...YOU ...Like?!?!?" (Bullet Pointing Each Word) and Certain to create stress and anxiety within you... whilst they slowly shake their head at you, critically... (hate that one)
They might call all the above: 'Love' but please, be assured, it's NOT.
These ways of being actually manipulate and coerce you. They are an attempt to dilute you down, and make you small (and are sure to make you anxious)
Why do they do this???
Well, it's more about THEM than you.
REALLY??? Yes... Really!
You are meeting the Limitations in them.
They can't meet you where you are, so they have to dilute you down so they can feel better about themselves... and I can guarantee you will feel absolutely awful! Stressed, worried, racing heart, clammy hands, knot in your tummy... the works!
Not everyone can Sparkle and Shine like you... (so they try to make you feel small)
They have their own Gifts, but they are so focused on YOU and all your gifts, they don't notice their own.
During This Course, I Am Going To Share LOTS With You:
Psycho-Education... My Therapeutic Approach... My Creative, Therapeutic Art Process To Work Through... I'm going to Teach you how Honouring our Stories is deeply human, healing and helpful, and...
I'm going to teach you a LOT about LOVE
...How Love Changes Everything... and Love REALLY Is All You Need. No wonder they wrote so many great songs about Love. They were right!
Multi-Sensory Learning
I'm going to teach you in Multi-Sensory ways to help everything Soak in to you Very Deeply... and Experientially too. I've got it all covered!
All YOU have to do...?
Is show up, participate in all that I offer you, and
Let Yourself Be Loved (click link)
This way, YOU can experience the results of being Loved first hand - this is Experiential Learning - the best way to really learn and easy.
As well as all the Course Content
There's a downloadable mini eBook for you to keep. It's crammed full of EVERYTHING you needed to know that nobody ever told you about anxiety and stress - and I don't mean the basic Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn etc...
Nope... I am talking about the real, nitty gritty of Love, the Love Bond, Attachment, What Every Human Needs so they do NOT grow up anxious and stressed AND you get to experience this connection with me in my online group.
Yes.... you can count on me to 'go the whole hog'
For those of you who know me, you know I do not do things by halves!
AND You Get A Whole Luxurious Year To Belong In My Group
...so you will not feel pressured AND You will create your very own Therapeutic Art using my step by step guidance YOUR way, which 'speaks' of YOU, and all your wonderful uniqueness which is VITALLY important... Why?
This Develops Your Sense of Self, Your Confidence & Self-Esteem, and Will Ease Your Anxiety
The more you embrace YOU and who YOU are.... the more at ease you will feel in the world and the less stressed and anxious you will be. I will teach you Exactly HOW to do all of this...
Then Joy and contentment will spread through you like a meteor soaring across the sky!
It's Impossible To Put A Price On This Kind of Comprehensive, Experiential, Year Long Course
It's worth a small fortune... thousands of pounds... how can you put a value on having a Transformative Coach available to you all year long in an online group, with all of the above included in the price and the downloadable book too...?!? Impossible!
So... I've decided to make a Crazy Offer to you of Just £47.
Yes... £47
We begin 27 December 2024 until 5 January 2026...
Giving you a spacious, luxurious year + to immerse yourself in everything and...
No need to show up on the day... No Lives, no Zoom calls.
SIGN UP NOW - Today - to be sure you are in... we begin 27 December 2024
I can't wait to SHARE Everything With You!
I bring 27 years knowledge and experience to my work with you... and my innate Gift of Love.