
Kassi Martin

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman
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My Wounded Heart Painting Day

I'm Off To Paint! I'm Off To Paint!

Yesterday, I had the most lovely experience of being joined in my little garden art studio by a wonderful group of amazing women to paint, explore and reflect upon Our Wounded Hearts.

It was so touching, special, fun, emotional, colourful, messy, relaxing and joyful...  I loved every moment and they did too.

However, the day before was turning into a total disaster for me! 

The water pipes in the studio had frozen solid as we have had snow and ice - no wonder - it is January after all...  

My anxiety was rising gradually as I thought about all the hot water needed to wash hands and brushes all day long... 

Added to this, a paving stone had lifted up at one corner and the garden gate wouldn't open...!  (could anything more go wrong!!??) 

YES! ... after all the preparation and getting the Art Altar set up beautifully with wonderful objects, oracle cards, beads, crystals, images, colourful, metal birds that could 'represent' people and events... it looked gorgeous and full of abundance and colour... finally, at 10pm, the kettle broke...!

I provide endless mugs of tea and coffee all day long on my painting days... no kettle means - no drinks... especially on a freezing cold January day!  A complete nightmare...

Was the Universe saying "This painting day is not meant to be Kas!!!"

However... despite the barriers... and luckily I have a 'I Won't be Beaten' Goddess attitude in me... the day itself went ahead and was just so beautiful!

Tender... with so much love in the room... support and encouragement.... kindness... lashings of empathy and laughter as well as tears -much needed given how wounded, cracked and broken our Hearts have often been throughout our lives... 

Also great moment of fun and freedom when we sang - loudly - the chorus of "Fck You" by Lily Allen - with wonderful attitude and gusto.

Reading their words, hearing and honouring their incredible stories and watching their Tender Wounded Hearts emerge on canvas...  Awwwww... it was just fantastic and worth all the wobbly nerves and pushing back against those barriers!

As well as prepping my Studio to receive the group and creating a deeply therapeutic process for them to work through, I loved transforming my consulting room into a cosy Womb with fairy lights, navy velvet blackout curtains, warmth, and a bowl of massive shiny red apples and orange tangerines for lunchtime.

Later, I quietly went in to invite them back out to the studio and the delicious smell of tangerines filled the room...  They looked so comfy and chilled out in my big armchairs I didn't want to disturb them.

I may not be a domestic goddess (that's 100% certain!!!) but I DO Love taking care of people and ensuring a loving environment of safety for those who come and work with me in my studio, whether one-to-one or in groups...  

I even hoovered!!!  That is REALLY Saying Something!

During the week leading up to the painting day I had been making papier mache hearts for the painters.  Each one was very different.  I decorated them all with papers, glitters, gilding flakes and jewels. 

I LOVED creating these gifts for our final Check Out... 

So I am NOW busily dreaming up my next painting day ...Just in case you would love to come and experience some Kassi-Lurve in the wonderful Gretna Green, Scotland.

Thank you all so much for coming and making everything so special with WHO You Are and HOW You Are - Just As You Are... thank you <3 

lots of love,
Kas xx

Your 'Messiness' Is Your Brilliance
Stop Being Grateful For Crumbs!

Comments 2

Guest - Ruth Moore on Sunday, 12 January 2025 17:15

We had a wonderful day, focusing on our selves, whilst supporting each other and being very well supported by you Kas.
The time flew by!
Thank you so much for all your efforts, it is much appreciated.
The icing on the cake was the delightful hand made heart. I will treasure it and it will always remind me of what a wonderful woman & therapist you are. Who needs a magic wand! X

We had a wonderful day, focusing on our selves, whilst supporting each other and being very well supported by you Kas. The time flew by! Thank you so much for all your efforts, it is much appreciated. The icing on the cake was the delightful hand made heart. I will treasure it and it will always remind me of what a wonderful woman & therapist you are. Who needs a magic wand! X
Kas Martin on Sunday, 12 January 2025 22:49

Hi Ruth,

Thank you so much for your kind and loving message Ruth.
I absolutely loved our day together and yes, time did fly…
I’m so glad you love your handmade Heart ♥️ I loved making them for you.
Hopefully you’ll be back in the studio with me again…
Love, Kas

Hi Ruth, Thank you so much for your kind and loving message Ruth. I absolutely loved our day together and yes, time did fly… I’m so glad you love your handmade Heart ♥️ I loved making them for you. Hopefully you’ll be back in the studio with me again… Love, Kas
Tuesday, 11 February 2025

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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

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T: 07876 222 790
