
Kassi Martin

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman
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Invitation To Take Your Precious Life, Seriously

Goddess Art Goddess Unleashed for EVERY Woman

You know... Goddess Unleashed is really just all about Love <3  That's it. In a nutshell.  LOVE.

I Unconditionally Love you, so you can Love and Accept your Self which will be life changing, not only for you, but everyone you come into contact with, including (vitally) your children which brings incredible bounty for our future, collectively.

Colleagues, friends, relatives will look at you differently... they will see the amazing new you and wonder how you became so confident, resilient and awesome.

You'll still love others, but differently. How? Well, you won't allow yourself to be walked all over and 'give' to them, above and beyond.  You're going to really respect yourself so everyone else also respects you.  You may not be used to being taken seriously.  Goddess Unleashed will support and encourage you to take yourself Seriously and INSIST that others do too.  You won't have to tell anyone to do this... they will simply follow your lead.  I promise you this!

You'll be more focused on your Hopes & Dreams for Life ...and no... this is not selfish... it's vital!  I know you have Hopes and Dreams! Many of you share these with me.  Every human has hopes and dreams, every human arrives on earth with gifts. You too.  I will bring these out of you - painlessly!

I don't TELL you how to behave... like many who bawl at us from social media without any explanation of 'How' to...  I Lead, Teach, Model and Facilitate how to become all that I offer within my program.  You will learn How to become authentic, resilient, confident, show up in your vulnerability which demonstrates incredible potency and strength by the way.  

You will realise you are completely OK in yourself.  Goddess Unleashed will teach you not to give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about you!  I will model and lead with particular skills, knowledge and experience which you can take into yourself simply and easily ...which will have a wonderful knock-on effect on everyone around you.  

In a nutshell... I can't stop what I'm doing... I'm so passionate and driven about Woman and their quality of Life. I've seen all the damage done to thousands as a Therapist/Coach ...but you know, I also experienced untold damage in my childhood.  All of which tends to be enacted and passed on everywhere... at work, in relationships, with our children.  It continues to do damage through generations and I believe this has to STOP.  I am here to interrupt patriarchy and conditioning using my love, through facilitation, education and my therapeutic skills and knowledge.

Goddess Unleashed reverses the Conditioning you experienced in childhood which in turn, completely unleashes you!  

I am different... I don't Tell you this is what you Must do.  There are so many people out there on social media bawling at us to Do This... Do That... Stop This... etc.  However, they do not explain, teach nor facilitate How...  This makes me very different.  I am a skilled expert in these areas.  I do not blow my own trumpet... I DO... I Show... I Teach and Facilitate through loving connection, empathy and all my training and experience over many years.  I bring Everything I have within myself to my work and I have incredible Passion for all that I do and everything I offer whether one-to-one or in my Goddess Unleashed program. 

Conditional Love Leashed and Shackled you... creating dissonance, depression, anxiety, pain... even disease.  Every child is 'trained' to behave in certain ways which differs depending on where we are from around the globe.  This brings Approval for certain behaviour and disapproval for others.

Unfortunately this stopped you becoming YOU and allowing your true interests, curiosity and gifts from emerging.  These 'Gifts' need to be nurtured and released into the world.  This is something I'm VERY skilled at.

Sadly, authority;  Mum, Dad, Caregivers, Teachers, Religious leaders cannot allow any space for your true interests, curiosity or gifts.  They worry it will make you 'dangerous' - so ironic when their conditions bring the danger to You!

Goddess Unleashed helps you become your true, unique self which is WONDERFUL and much needed in the world.

Using your manners was likely to gain approval (conditional love) and you would glow in the proud love from those who raised you... but wiping your nose on your sleeve sent the grown-ups into a meltdown and grounded you (disapproval).  'Conditioning' creates carbon copies of everyone.  We become robots.  We all fit in and belong in the community, but how boring, lonely, depressing and stressful it is to have to be something we are authentically, not.  Friends condition each other, teachers conditioned you, when you met a special someone they will have conditioned you and you would have conditioned them - it's all we've been taught.  

It does not mean this is the best or only way to live though!

Conditioning prevents us from discovering why we are here and what our unique Gifts are for the World.  This is my job to release you and help you discover your Gifts whilst you become really YOU, less depressed or stressed and much happier and fulfilled.

Let's face it, it hurts not to be allowed to be oneself and you've had to contort and twist yourself into a particular shape and size to gain all that approval throughout your whole life so far - we only have to think about Diets.. Body size, Beauty products... and that's only a tiny part of it.  Diets, Beauty is worth billions of pounds - it is simply exploiting Woman for business purposes!!!  This pisses me off so deeply.

There are some positives to being Conditioned: we know how to cross the road safely and have the peas passed - if we use our manners.  The negatives to being Conditioned are stress, anxiety, depression, pain, lack of confidence, low self esteem, living a small life afraid to step up as yourself - and not even know who you really are or were meant to be had conditioning never happened.

'Following The Herd' and being conditioned to grow up, settle down, find a job/partner, home, have kids so we can Condition them to do the same... until death do us part... for thousands of years...  Sadly the majority die never knowing who they Really, Truly were and only experience Conditional Love then death.

For those of us who want to bring our Gifts to the world and truly show up, Real, need to be welcomed and encouraged so that we can do this (more of what my job entails).  I mean... I want to be remembered... don't you?  I want to impact the world in a positive and wonderful way!  I am So passionate about all that I bring and I have massive drive and determination, I will do this until my last breath!  I can't shut this down in me.  It's happening regardless... I am unstoppable.  I have worked so hard in my own Therapy I have become unfuckwithable and I want all this for YOU too.  Yes I would like to make a living too however... I can't stop my drive and creativity... it cannot be shut down.

I've created a very special - wonderful - loving, spacious, accepting Space where you can grow into who you Truly are through my Goddess Unleashed program.

Goddess Unleashed is not about lying around on a chaise Lounge, dressed in taffeta, dropping grapes into your mouth... Absolutely no way!

I am inviting you to take your one precious life fucking seriously!

Please don't wait too long.  I deeply regret how long it took me to piece together everything and put my show on the road.  So much wasted lifetime!

I've created a fast track process to get into this super quick, with lots of love and support from me.

Here is the Link to get your First Month Completely FREE!

You will also be invited to join my online Group.  This is All Free and completely invaluable!  Don't miss out!

My wild, exciting Goddess Unleashed enlivens you… so your Goddess can break free and become all she truly is. She is your deepest wisdom, your intuition, your essence, your Gifts.

Your Goddess is in your blood and bones, your veins are full of her vitality and I can help you connect back up with her.  You're needed to step up and be YOU and unleash yourself on the world.  Your Goddess has a very empowering message for you and I will help you hear her deep wisdom that resides in you and this covers all angles of Woman's life whatever age you are.  Some of those wonderful Goddesses who have worked with me are aged between 18 and 85.  They are incredible woman just like YOU.

Don't worry, you will still be legal, kind and loving - possibly More So - because your boundaries will be so strong this enables you to love more deeply.

Goddess Unleashed is MY Gift to you - for all Woman, everywhere... to unleash and transform and enable you to live Your Best Life!

It's not about "hating man" either... the more unleashed you become, you will impact your children and males in your life which will help them through that process and have a wonderful knock on effect on our world.

Simply sign up now and gain instant FREE access for the first month to my extensive Video Library and to me in a special Goddess group.  

YES you are asked to sign up with your credit card which comes into effect from Month Two.  However... You can leave any time you wish by unsubscribing.  You will never be pushed or obligated.  This is not my style.  Enabling your Autonomy is what's important to me.  If you do not want to pay, simply unsubscribe, anytime.

If money holds you back, get in touch and we can negotiate what you can afford and then I will send you a special sign up link for this.  Simply email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - I look forward to getting you on board - Fast.

Please stop waiting for your life to improve or even begin!  The Generations who come after you are relying on you to be the Generational Turn, making their lives so much better by you simply being YOU!

Goddess Unleashed is massive, it's for Every Woman, Everywhere - and yes, I'm talking directly to YOU!

Sign up Now and get your Life moving:


Kas <3 

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Comments 2

Paula Liotine on Friday, 05 January 2024 23:42

Goddess Unleashed is the absolute best gift you can give yourself. You are worthy and deserving of this! A free month is amazing. Take advantage of it and check it out. I promise you will not regret it. Kassi is the real deal and safe and everything she promises to be. This is the ultimate self care.

Goddess Unleashed is the absolute best gift you can give yourself. You are worthy and deserving of this! A free month is amazing. Take advantage of it and check it out. I promise you will not regret it. Kassi is the real deal and safe and everything she promises to be. This is the ultimate self care.
Kas Martin on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 11:55

hi Paula

Apologies! I missed your comment here! Thank you so much for sharing your experience of me and my Goddess Unleashed program. I really appreciate that you are on board, bring your wisdom and whole self and that you embrace it all so fully! thank you Paula! Kas

hi Paula Apologies! I missed your comment here! Thank you so much for sharing your experience of me and my Goddess Unleashed program. I really appreciate that you are on board, bring your wisdom and whole self and that you embrace it all so fully! thank you Paula! Kas
Wednesday, 23 October 2024

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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
