
Kassi Martin's Blog

Transforming Lives through Self Expression

Real Woman: Real Conversations - a Video

Goddess Mixed Media Art Therapeutic Art Kassi Martin
Sharing Top Coaching Tips to Become Unblocked & Unleashed for Every Woman, Everywhere


As well as Goddess Unleashed, I am recording "Real Woman, Real Conversations" which is an invitation to all Woman to Honour their Stories, unashamedly.

"What Will People Think?!?" is often said to children, teens, young people and adults of all ages... to stop us being Real, honest and open.  It tears us down, reduces and censors us to not show up fully, as ourselves.

The shame evoked in us sends us deep underground to share in confidential spaces, or with total strangers in airports we will never cross paths with again. Yet, sharing our stories brings relief.  We feel so much easier and happier when we open up.  Much research has proven these benefits and increased health benefits, reducing visits to the doctor and I know, as a Therapist & Coach the empowerment and unblocking we experience when we share our stories. 

Time and again, for centuries, we have been 'taught' Not to Open Up and hold everything inside of us, suppressed, oppressed, denied, ignored for our entire Lives.  The Unspoken message is: "Take your shameful secrets to the grave, nobody wants to hear your sob story! And worse still...  'Don't be a victim!"

Real Woman: Real Conversations breaks through, unblocks and interrupts these 'old ways' of keeping our experiences, events, stories, feelings and emotions secret, hidden, confidential as if there is something wrong with us!

Added to which, keeping these toxic experiences and events inside of us, does untold damage to our health, well being, psychologically, physically and spiritually.

I want us to make radical change and give permission to everyone to open up and share our truth and stop hiding, ashamedly, feeling like we have to put on a fake show out there so everyone can pretend all is well in the world, when it most definitely is not.

Real Woman: Real Conversations are recorded on zoom and will be shared on my platforms such as You Tube, here on my blog, facebook @kassimartintransforminglives and IG.

I invite you to get in touch if you would like to be a part of this wonderful way of enabling all woman to find their voice, speak aloud and Honour their Story.  We don't have to have an extraordinarily traumatic story, all life stories are vitally important and helps us all know, we are not alone and we are Human.

I would like to thank Jacqui for participating in our deep conversation where she shares stories from different times of her life, from in the Womb, during childhood, in her 20s and beyond including her wonderful Mixed Media Art she had made previously and relating to when she was a feotus in her mother's womb and the shame surrounding her Beginnings in life.  Jacqui's congruence blew me away and I loved every moment of our conversation together.

I ask that you watch our Conversation with Love, Empathy and Respect.  It is over on You Tube, the link is coming up below.  Please do comment, especially to Jacqui <3 as well as Like, Share and Subscribe.  Thank you so much, I appreciate you.

The image below is Jacqui's wonderful, therapeutic, mixed media art which depicts her baby/Feotus Self in her Mother's Womb and which we discuss near the end of the conversation in terms of Shame, the story around Jacqui's Mother's birth experience in hospital where she initially had been shamefully hidden away in a side room away from all the other Mother's to be...  such a powerful, sad story about being an unmarried mother back then. 

You can find the video below, please do Like, Share and Subscribe and if YOU would love to record a Real Conversation with me, get in touch!  I'm very warm and welcoming, and want to encourage Every Woman's voice to be heard, EVERYWHERE!

**...And GODDESS UNLEASHED:**  To find out more, and find your way inside:

The whole world is waiting for you to step into your Power and show up for those generations who will follow you. They need you to be the Generational Turn, which will make their lives so much better!  Goddess Unleashed is massive, and is for every woman, everywhere.

Get your first month FREE with three ways to join including "Pay What You Can Afford" for those on low income.  All you have to do is email me and let's have an honest conversation together about how you can participate and feel All the benefits.

AND please remember, I am a Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Coach in person or via Zoom video link.  If you would like to book a session, get in touch to find out about my fee and we can get you in the diary asap.


Kas <3

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Comments 2

Paula Liotine on Sunday, 28 January 2024 15:47

Jackie - Thank you for sharing so openly. I hear your struggle with keeping your boundaries and with some individuals completely ignoring your needs as a human. I loved your willingness to get to and understand the root. Kas - this is going to be a powerful series that helps many on their healing journeys.

Jackie - Thank you for sharing so openly. I hear your struggle with keeping your boundaries and with some individuals completely ignoring your needs as a human. I loved your willingness to get to and understand the root. Kas - this is going to be a powerful series that helps many on their healing journeys.
Kas Martin on Sunday, 28 January 2024 19:53

Paula, Thank you so much for acknowledging Jacqui and I here. I really notice your empathy Paula, what a wonderful gift you have for really seeing and hearing others. And thank you for what you say about my new series Real Woman: Real Conversation - I truly hope so and intend for it to be powerful and healing. Thanks Paula, Kas

Paula, Thank you so much for acknowledging Jacqui and I here. I really notice your empathy Paula, what a wonderful gift you have for really seeing and hearing others. And thank you for what you say about my new series Real Woman: Real Conversation - I truly hope so and intend for it to be powerful and healing. Thanks Paula, Kas
Saturday, 27 July 2024

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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

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T: 07876 222 790
