
Kassi Martin

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman
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Unleashing The Voice of Woman

Goddess of Fire - Kassi Martin Unleashing the Voice of Woman

 Unleashing the Voice of Woman:  A space for Woman to share their Story, without censor.  Speaking their truth so others can too.  If you would like to contribute, simply allow your story to flow in all its uncensored, raw, gritty expression.  Please do not name others.  Only tell a story that is yours to tell.  Please do not worry about grammar or spelling.  There is no limit to how many words... By submitting your story you are giving permission for it to be published on my blog and perhaps, in the fututre in a book form.  Please send your typed story to Kas at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zoie:  "I was born in 1952 - I was a Pleaser.  I didn't start to grow and evolve until I left my second husband who was abusive, like so many went through.  But that caused me to re-evaluate my relationships and I realised that really I was inviting all relationships; friends, family, boyfriends, husbands - to abuse me.  I was there for the taking, having been brought up to be a 'good girl' and always making sure that everyone else was looked after, was happy, etc, etc.

I recognised, rather later in life, probably in my mid fifties.  But I started to make changes right away.  

The process is slow for me, but I finally realise that friends who were using me are not friends and I have gently let them go by not engaging.  If they come to me with problems I will listen, but I have learned to say 'no' if I am not able or willing to do what they ask.  I seemed to have a whole lot of 'friends' who would just call me to vent or sound off with, to take them places and do things - like take them for groceries, shopping etc... but it did not work the other way around.  Once I realised what was really going on, it was enlightening, saddening and shocking!

Although I wound up with only three real friends (two died the last year) they are good friends.  We don't see each other much, but we are there for each other and when we get together it is brilliant.  

I have been together with a very good man now for 15 years.  We were both going through the same thing in the years before we got together, so we were very careful.

I am still learning to say No.  Sometimes it is easier than others but it is getting easier every day to be honest with my self and The Other.

Thank you so much for sharing Kassi.  It makes us all closer doesn't it and less alone with our experience."

Acknowledging Our Ancestors
Why We Need to STOP Raising 'Good Girls'


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Wednesday, 23 October 2024

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Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

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T: 07876 222 790
