
Kassi Martin

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman
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How To Break Free, Distract & Seek Peace in Lockdown

Themed Mixed Media Themed Mixed Media
hi there

How are you doing?  A short time into Lockdown...   so many of us are experiencing Big Feelings and not surprisingly... under these truly unrecognisable and challenging times. It impacts us in so many different ways and on different levels sometimes it is hard to comprehend the whole Lockdown 'thing'.  However you feel is absolutely OK and understandable.  Many of us feel Scared, Dread, Anger, Resolved... Confused, Trapped and so much more.  

We can get so wrapped up in the unknown, filled with fearful feelings suddenly we just need to break free and seek peace and that isn't easy.

I'm so glad you've been able to share your fears and feelings. This helps to reduce stress and anxiety for one, and lift mood. Many of us have been taught to ignore and deny our feelings and emotions which is more or less like turning the heat up to boiling point under a pan.  This stress impacts our health in huge ways, ultimately jeopardising our Immune System and therefore sabotaging our natural healing capacity. 

We're all dealing with this in our own ways. Some of us have been getting up much later each day and feel "bad" or "lazy"... some of us have gained weight, over-eating sweet or savoury foods or drinking alcohol to soothe ourselves yet feel "greedy" and "ashamed"... some of us have doubled our screen time on our phones to much of our day and evening trying to fill in this gaping hole in our lives.  We miss our family, our friends, our work and colleagues. We miss being free to walk out of the door and just go wherever we wish, whenever we wish. 

How ever you've been coping and managing, you might like to ease off judging and berating yourself...  you're doing the very best that you can in very, very extreme circumstances.  Love, Acceptance, Kindness and Attunement is especially needed at times like these.

Having all our family members in the house all day, every day, puts enormous stress and strain on us in so many different ways. Many of us will never realise what others are going through underneath the layers of Coronavirus lockdown.

I vividly remember the everyday days 'back then' of having young children at home when I was a young Mum. Those ordinary, everyday days were hard enough and I can fully appreciate the extreme stress placed upon parents amid this Coronavirus crisis.

I have had one or two very difficult and emotional days myself. Big emotions that called for lots of love and soothing. I am very lucky that I have my studio to escape in to, my Beloved to lean upon - and my therapeutic skills of Self Soothing and Attunement I can offer to myself.

I am so, so grateful that my creative ideas are still flowing. I have been able to stay supportive to others too which demonstrates to me how all of the work I've done in developing and strengthening myself over the years in my own personal development has paid off. Therapy Really Does Work.  If you are a Leader or Teacher or Artist struggling right now with your own creative flow get in touch I believe I can help you. 

So, with all of this in mind, I wondered if I could offer You something to bring colour and joy, soothing and escape into your locked down Life.  Something to bring you Purpose each day. You could do it alone in the evening when the house is finally peaceful or in the morning when you wake up and see another long stretch of empty space lie before you... maybe you are alone in the house and feel lonely in isolation or perhaps you have elderly parents who need care and attention and are looking for some down time for you between Caring.

Perhaps you could let your kids get involved with this... or maybe you could work alone here and there, where you can snatch time just for you.

The mixed media header up above is like a painted patchwork quilt but made of paints, inks, papers and more.  I began it one Easter and absolutely adored the colourful process. I was inspired by a girl I met at our annual World Market, Emily. She spends much of her life between India and the U.K. She shared stories with me of India, colourful furniture and saris and I couldn't wait to get back to my studio to express pinks, oranges, greens, golds and bronze.

Look at the colours in my painting. Would you like to make this? Please, Please don't say you couldn't possibly do it because really, You Can!  I will gently guide you, through my  15 gently paced and calm videos.  You Really Can Do This. So many have and absolutely loved the process.

Yours will be completely unique to you. I feel sure you will find yourself drifting in to a peaceful world of colour and texture as you create oblongs, squares and luscious splattery metallic markings.  Building up the content and finally transforming all your creativity in to one cohesive mixed media you can have framed and hang proudly on your wall.

I love painting in the garden with my bare feet in the grass. This Easter weekend is to be sunny but with nowhere to go in our present circumstances so painting and creating is a wonderful way to spend time.

There are 15 videos in this course and each one gently leads you through the whole process. There are comprehensive reflective prompts for those who love  self inquiry. I've made loads and just love every single one of them.

This one up in my header I adore. It hangs in my consulting room and I've had many requests to buy it but I love it so much I will never part with it. I have sold lots of others.  Every single one is unique and your's will be too. 

I used acrylic Paints, Inks, Washy Tape, torn up Papers, Uni Posca pens and glitter.  It's a wonderful way to spend time creating. You can get totally lost in the process.

Put music on, have your favourite drink beside you and just watch it all emerge into your very own unique mixed media that you will want to treasure always.

Along with my 15 videos are comprehensive personal development reflective prompts for those who love to explore and grow through self enquiry. You may wish to simply create the painting. Either way it's deeply enjoyable and fulfilling.

Oh and I've made you a 50% off Discount Coupon so it's even cheaper than the already discounted price.

For this Easter weekend only it is Just £22.50 and with Lifetime Access to the course you can make many of them.

Here is the Discount Code you need during signup to receive your 50% off

(Discount code)  DISTRACT50  (it is case sensitive)

Valid right now and through Easter Weekend holiday.

The link to the course is here:

Don't forget your discount code!  Just £22.50 for lifetime access.

Jacqui said:
"This has been, and still is, an exciting adventure which has challenged me to come out of my self-imposed comfort zone, filled with negative self talk, into a world of bright and vibrant colours, freedom and playtime. I am thoroughly enjoying myself with this – I keep looking at it and thinking "did I really make this?"

So, are you ready?  Ready to find something to immerse yourself in, to distract yourself in playful, vibrant colour that lifts your heart and soul and makes you feel joyful in this time of Lockdown?

Just follow my link and sign up with my Discount Code to get lifetime access to my vibrant and colourful ecourse.

Please do connect with me and send pics of your colourful creativity. I will always respond!

Take good, good care of yourself and you know where I am if you want to reach out - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stay Home, Stay Safe and Stay Well <3


Kassi X 

Term 2 of Life Book 2020 Begins soon!
Your Immune System Needs You! and breathe...


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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
