
Kassi Martin's Blog

Transforming Lives through Self Expression

Hi from my new website!

Hi from my new website!

​hi there

How are you? 

Here I am in my beautiful new website writing in a whole different way... feeling a little wobbly at the newness and hoping all goes smoothly - Wobbly Learner Alert.

I don't know about you, but when I have something new to learn or do, I need to actual play and 'do' as it is my way of learning and developing. Sitting back and waiting is not a good plan for me. I believe Sue Gerhardt teaches us in her amazing book; Why Love Matters that in order for us to make change, for us to learn and develop, we have to physically 'do'. The 'doing' helps us form new pathways in our brains. We can talk about what we want till the cows come home...

so here I am 'doing' and learning as I go.

You will find on my Art Courses page I have two FREE ecourses available.  Magic Squares and also Wildflowers which you can find links to from my Welcome page.

The first is my longest running and MOST popular What Kind Of Tree Are YOU? An Art & Personal Development ecourse with videos and creative resources. You will have a LUXURIOUS YEAR long access to this ecourse where you can paint as many Trees as you wish during the 12 months and in doing so, will find out more about how you are and what you want at that time of painting! Since I am celebrating the launch of my website I am offering this to you at the CELEBRATORY price of just £25 -

usual value £99. The price will go to its full value in future. Pay via Paypal and gain access.

You might like to visit My Story where I share how I came to be completely living my dream of being an Artist and a Therapist which is a million miles away from where I was working for the big old Health Organisation, jumping through hoops and some days feeling as if I was perched on a precarious cliff edge trying hard to provide the kind of therapy I deeply believed in. Also on My Story page you will find what I am offering to YOU whether you come online or in person.

You can find My Story here.

You might like to have a look at my Testimonials page. You can read what others have experienced whilst working with me either one to one or in groups.

I will send you a more usual kind of blog in about ten days time.

I just wanted to welcome you here and show you around.

Thank you for taking time out to visit me here and keep taking good care of your Self,

Autumn In The Air
And The Tree Held the Sun, Until it learned to Let...

Comments 2

Guest - Jane Power on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 20:05

Loving your new website Kas xxx

[b][/b]Loving your new website Kas xxx :D
Kas Martin on Monday, 15 August 2016 17:00

Thank you Jane! Much appreciated. I'm loving my new website too
Kas xxx

Thank you Jane! Much appreciated. I'm loving my new website too :) Kas xxx
Saturday, 27 July 2024

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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
