
Kassi Martin

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman
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The Stories Within My Tree

from What Kind of Tree Am I series The Mama Tree
hi there

How are you?

Today I share my own Story of growth that emerged from painting my Mama Tree (above). Every single Tree painted is totally unique as your own DNA <3 and that is what I most love about my ecourse.

This is what I wrote following the creation of this Tree which is just one from a huge series of Tree paintings...

The Mama Tree speaks of Me, My Life Journey, My Life Story. There are many layers underneath this image which share my story from the moment I was born… right up to date.

The Me who lacked Confidence in my younger years, and why… a toxic relationship in my younger years re-routed my whole life course...

The me that always did her best and tried hard 'to get it all right', for everyone, is in there…

The me who galloped fearlessly across beaches as a teenager on beautiful Horses. They taught me about the power of my legs, they invited my legs to Run... run from fearful moments... rather than standing still, frozen and filled with fear...

The Me who desperately wished to be an Artist but was told; "You have to go to secretarial college and get a Proper Job Kas". The Mama Tree gave me a voice so I could stand up for what I wanted and stop conforming to everyone else's needs and demands...

The me who married my first husband who wanted a Polite, 'Yes-Wife' that he could be proud of - and push around - is in there...  When I saw this younger me in the Painting, myself of today stood beside her, a solid companion and protector, showing her how different life is today...

The Tree that is uppermost that you see on my Painting, is me today.  My richly collaged Trunk, representing everything I bring to my work, life, relationships... I gazed in and felt proud. I stood tall and grateful at all that my Tree was teaching me.

My Branches symbolise the Therapist that I am. I hold many Tender Hearts, with Love and great ability as a skilled Therapist & Human. It has taken me years and years to get to a place where I can rightfully describe my self and my work in honest, plain language which is true to myself.

The other key symbols of my Self as a Therapist are in the Branches - an Owl, quietly observing everything. A vigilant Fox who misses nothing. The pink Butterfly symbolising my gentle, loving touch.  The Trunk speaks of my grounded, strength.  Deeply rooted and can be leaned upon by many.

I am Creative, Artistic and Standing proud, filling the canvas and owning the space that I take up on this glorious Planet...

This Is Who I Am.  That is the Kind of Tree That I Am.

I may have spent most of my Life meekly saying 'Yes', not feeling Good Enough around many people, not realising that I was just as good as the next person.

I am Bright, Brave, Kind – an Enthusiastic Encourager…

I Now know this to be true about my Self.

Everything that emerged through the creation of this Tree (and all my Tree paintings) helped me to SEE me and my Life...

I can become more aware and tweak my Life if I wish through my new self awareness. It is a wonderful process...

I created "What Kind of Tree Am I?" in 2008 followed by many other Inspirational Art Courses since, some of which are in person and most are available from my website

As well as the Joy and Excitement of making Art, alongside my step-by-step videos, my eCourses are rich with Reflective Prompts for Personal Development and that all important 'compass' enabling you to get back on track to your most Truest Self you were born to become.

I've been an Artist since I was a Child. I love to make Art, Write and find creative ways for Self Expression & Healing for myself and for Others.

I began Psychotherapy Training in 1996 and felt excited and enlivened when I quickly realised I could combine what I was learning with my life long love of Art.

I believe we are all creative, expressive Artists. We may have been told we are 'not artistic' by an 'authority' figure such as a parent or teacher. Me too…!

I chose not to listen and followed my Intuitive Need to Create & Express always and feel driven to assist others in their journey back to who they truly are.

From time to time I also offer What Kind of Tree Am I as a group process where we can create and share... explore and consider.... as well as being a self paced process.

You may wish to experience Expressive Art as a vessel to develop your health and well being.

You may have a Caring Professional Role; Counsellor, Teacher, Artist, Art Therapist, a Leader or Coach, who is committed to their personal and professional development. You may be a Parent and/or Human committed to becoming all you can become in your Life...

You may be interested in developing Expressive Art in your Practice with your Clients or Students.

Whoever you are and whatever you do, What kind of Tree Am I is an enlightening, thought provoking journey back to you and all you were born to be.

If you would like to chat with me about it, don't hesitate to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - I would never push you into anything. Ever...

You could take a look at my most recent What Kind of Tree Am I ecourse here:

Thank you for sharing time here with me,


When We Feel, We Heal...
Free 2-week event! Join me for the Life Book Taste...


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Tuesday, 14 January 2025

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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
