
Kassi Martin's Blog

Transforming Lives through Self Expression

Please Don't Miss This Amazing Free Summit

Tamara Willowing Arts FREE Creativity & Wellbeing Summit!

Hi there,  How are you?

I have some wonderful news!  My friend Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts has just opened registration for The (free) Life Book Creativity & Wellbeing Summit. (copy & paste in your browser)

It was So popular last year, over 11,000 people joined it! Tam has interviewed a wide range of Life Book 2020 Teachers and I'm one of the speakers AND also a Teacher on Life Book 2020 next year!

I'm very excited about this!

Not only is this Summit filled with inspiring interviews with amazing artists, but we each also provide a FREE creativity & wellness activity for you that you can access for 2 weeks!

The Summit is filled with inspiring interviews, art sessions, meditations and wellbeing activities to help you get Present and Connected to the healing power of your creativity!

When you attend the Life Book Creativity & Wellbeing Summit you are able to
• Listen to sessions in your own time!
• Join our Facebook Group with like-minded people from all over the world!
• Wear comfy clothes and enjoy the Summit from the comfort of your
own home!
• Play, make mistakes, be fabulous or sad, it's all welcome and ok on the summit!
You are accepted just as you are!
• Enjoy free art & wellbeing activities!

For my free Art activity we'll begin with an expressive non dominant hand writing exercise, then create a beautiful focus on your background and right at the end I share honestly and openly to demonstrate how Expressive Art works in terms of Self Inquiry and Personal Development.

• Do you want to learn how to create more wellbeing in your life?
• Do you want to create, express, develop and grow?
• Do you want to play with paints, get messy with collage, enjoy mark making and drawing?
• Do you want more hints and tips on how to use your creativity to become a happier person?
• Do you want to learn how to use creativity to become more grounded, present and kind to yourself?

These are all topics we discuss on the Summit with some of the leading mixed media artists & personal development experts out there!

It's completely FREE - so join us now by reserving your seat here;

The Summit begins on September 16th and runs for 2 weeks!

Life Book 2020 (which I'll be teaching on) will open registration on October 1st and guess what? If you join Life Book 2020 you'll get life long access to the Summit content as well as a year of amazing art activities + a virtual gift bag filled with extras and goodies also!

I will send you the link for LifeBook 2020 as soon as it's ready <3

Join Us Now for the FREE Summit

See you there!

Life Book 2020 - I'm So Excited!
Angel Art - Emergence

Comments 2

Guest - Lucy on Saturday, 14 September 2019 04:26

love life book and the summit was awesome last year, can't, wait for this years to begin.

love life book and the summit was awesome last year, can't, wait for this years to begin.
Kas Martin on Saturday, 14 September 2019 09:59

hi Lucy, wonderful! Life Book is an incredible experience and the Summit is an amazing gift - I'm delighted to read you can't wait for this year's - we begin on Monday. If you're in the Summit fb group please say hi to me. Enjoy

hi Lucy, wonderful! Life Book is an incredible experience and the Summit is an amazing gift - I'm delighted to read you can't wait for this year's - we begin on Monday. If you're in the Summit fb group please say hi to me. Enjoy
Saturday, 27 July 2024

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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
