By Kas Martin on Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Category: News

The Womb Heart Video

Hi there,  how are you?

Those who paint with my Expressive Art Approach soon discover how it opens a whole new way of creating and processing deep within. 

I began creating on top of an old background I had begun some weeks ago but had put aside, losing interest due to the length of time the texture was taking to dry.  

However the highly textured background offered me a fantastic base to work on, loving the touch of the texture.   I then suddenly noticed what I saw as "a little Rabbit's pale pink face with a big floppy ear" in the centre. 

This little Rabbit's Face felt important to me, stirring something deep inside of me that I had a fierce impulse to 'protect'.

I trusted my instinct and drew a heart around The Pink Rabbit offering some kind of boundary or protection and although I had no idea at the time, this little 'Rabbit's Face' would become the focus of this piece of work!

Once I begin to create I lose myself in there, creating from my Gut, my Intuition and just allowing myself to flow.  We get in to a sort of Flow state when creating, it is like losing oneself in there, a deeply meditative state, superb in terms of Health and Wellbeing.

I began creating a "Dark Arch" of turquoise, purple and magenta. The Dark Arch took up the length and width of the board I was working on - it was big!  As I was working I very quickly became aware of this representing a Symbol of a 'Community of Judgement' for me.

As I work (this is the same when working with Clients or Group Participants) I tune inwards to Stories that emerge. The story that emerged with my Community of Judgement was all about being a 1960's baby who was only just born within months of wedlock. 

Back then this was unthinkable, 'bad', 'wrong' and to be seriously judged.

I was also remembering times in my late teen years when I was deeply concerned with WHO Thought WHAT About Me.  I was preoccupied with what I wore and how I looked but most of all The Inner Critic: what others might think about me.  

I think many of us go through this particularly in our late teens and early 20's and can continue to be concerned throughout our lives, which is so sad to my Mind.

As I painted however, I became more aware of my little Pink Rabbit's Face I'd spotted earlier on. I felt as if I was looking back through the arch in to the Past. I began to see the Dark, Community of Judgement as rows of faceless heads staring in at my beginnings.  Full of judgement.  All eyes on the little Pink Rabbit, Me!

I felt sure I was the little Pink Rabbit and the heart I had drawn around it was about Protection, my protection. It felt very important that the "Pink Rabbit" remained safe and I was determined that I would keep it safe. 

I began adding pinks, magenta and lilac to the heart I had drawn around it and painted quickly with my fingers.  The magenta was 'Blood' and this became a very rich lining protecting the Pink Rabbit.  As I focused, I realised I was creating a 'birth canal'.

Back in the 1960's as mentioned, it was considered outrageous and probably even worse to be pregnant and unmarried - and for a short time my Mum and Dad were unmarried.  The shame....  I imagine this must have been very hard for the family at that time.  Thank goodness times and values change...

I became preoccupied with the 'Dark Arch' above the Womb in my painting and began piecing together stories that I had been told about the Cultural Parent of that era.  My Great Grandmother had been born very late 1800's and brought strong Victorian values to our Family.

As I was painting I could sense the Oppression my Mum possibly felt in relation to the 'what the neighbours would think'.   I actually grinned for a moment as I thought of my hippy Mum with her guitar, black eye liner and great love of 60's music.  I remember hearing about the Family cooking up a story of 'what to tell the neighbours' however my Mum was happy to be honest - and Flounce The Truth - an even wider grin from me! 

I began to really focus in on the Womb; the Purple, Red Womb Heart to ensure it was all safe, cosy and thickly lined with lots of purple and red paint... readying for my 'Birth'.

I felt determined to bring the background up to date.   I spontaneously added lavender pink criss crosses all over the faces of the Community of Judgement softening everything down and creating the environment for myself that I wished to be born into.  Painting this way offers the opportunity for me to re-write history - make things as I would like them to be as opposed to how they were back then.

I spent time processing all of the above in my journal and uncovered more as I wrote. 

So enlightening, exciting and such rich personal development for me!

This piece of work is just in the very beginning stages.  I feel excited to imagine where this might lead for me personally.  

If you are curious or ready to embrace my approach to developing your self, I offer an incredible Journey, through my unique art courses, which can be completely Self Paced or you can opt to have me accompany You.  I remain beside you, a potent and fearless companion.

I believe whichever of my art courses you choose you will discover more about yourself and whatever you are dealing with at present will emerge for you.

Here is the link to all of my courses... in case you would like to visit and take a look.

take good care,

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